put on hold vs kept on hold: Which Is Correct?

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put on hold or kept on hold: Meaning & Key Differences

"Put on hold" refers to the action of temporarily suspending something, such as a phone call or a task, often indicating that the person has intentionally initiated the hold process. In contrast, "kept on hold" suggests a state of being maintained in that suspended status, typically implying that the hold was prolonged without immediate resolution. While "put on hold" focuses on the moment of suspension, "kept on hold" emphasizes continuity and duration.

  • Examples of put on hold

    How to use put on hold in a sentence

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    Will.i.am will have to be put on hold.

    And this... has been put on hold.

    My column has been put on hold indefinitely.

    You know, I mean, ever since he lost the Intersect, the proposal plan got put on hold.

    Unfortunately, since then, the case seems to have been put on hold.

    Accordingly, I am of the opinion that the negotiated agreement should be put on hold and not be put into effect while the negotiations of the Intergovernmental Conference are in progress.

    And like I just told Sanjay and Towanda, I will not be put on hold.

    These concerns are further increased by the fact that, as set out above, the law adopted on 22 July 2016 foresees that a number of pending cases would be put on hold.

    The entire European advance has been put on hold for this operation.

    A lot of stories will be put on hold for a while.

  • Examples of kept on hold

    How to use kept on hold in a sentence

    457,000 results on the web

    In some Member States, the difference is not always clear and consumers are kept on hold for several minutes without knowing whether it is costing them a fortune.

    A proposal to simplify and improve the EU Solidarity Fund (2005/0033) has been kept on hold by the Council since the European Parliament adopted it at first reading in 2006.

    Since this debate is still not concluded, and considering that its results will be relevant for any future transposition, all measures adopted by RFMOs are currently being kept on hold.

    I don't like to be kept on hold when I am calling about something important.

    I tried to call their customer service line yesterday, but I was kept on hold for over 30 minutes.

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