Combining technology and expertise to improve written communication
Wordvice AI is a data-driven writing proofreader and free grammar checker created for students and academic writers. Our team of computer engineers, editors, and data scientists operate with a deep conviction that good writing in English should be achievable by everyone, regardless of current writing ability or language level. We are committed to serving the scientific community and enhancing the academic publications industry, and our AI proofreading and writing tool is a big step towards this goal.

An online text editing tool designed by academic editors
Wordvice AI is powered by Wordvice Editing Service, a global leader in language editing since 2013. Wordvice has a presence in over 100 countries and has served over 100,000 clients to date, with international offices in Seoul, Yorkshire, Tokyo, Beijing, and the U.S. Our automated proofreading app was designed by professional language editors to help writers from all backgrounds communicate through writing—from research papers to business documents, to admissions essays and daily writing.
Enhancing academic research writing to make journal publication easier
Wordvice AI was created to assist authors in clearly communicating their ideas through writing. Our AI editing tool corrects errors in grammar and punctuation and suggests style revisions, letting writers focus on their content and ideas and communicate with other research authors. Likewise, our AI proofreading tool serves as an essay proofreader for those writing all-important admissions essays for college and university. Its academic versatility is what sets the Wordvice AI Proofreader apart from other automated writing assistants.

Improving writing through natural language processing
Wordvice AI is pioneering natural language processing (NLP) and artificial intelligence research to deliver the high-performing proofreading and writing assistance tools. We trained our online proofreading tool using thousands of academic texts from various subject areas, and we continue to add textual data to constantly improve our proofreader. As a leader in the editing and proofreading industry, Wordvice AI regularly updates its suite of features to create the perfect editing tool for authors.
Get professional editing after receiving instant proofreading
After using the AI Proofreader for real-time proofreading, users can receive professional editing from a Wordvice editing expert. This revision process is ideal for researchers writing journal manuscripts: a free proofreading tool to use while drafting the manuscript and academic language editing for final revision before submission to journals. Wordvice’s institutional clients include top universities and medical centers around Asia and the Middle East. See our Partner Discount page for more information on how to receive a reduced price on bulk editing purchases.

About Wordvice Editing Service
Our mission is to assist scholars, researchers, students, writers, and businesses around the world by editing and proofreading their academic and professional writing. We help academic authors prepare their manuscripts for publication and submission, students revise their essays for college and university programs, and professionals enhance their business and corporate documents.
Wordvice currently operates in five countries: the United States, China, Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea. We have service agreements with many universities, academic societies, medical centers, research institutions, and laboratories. Additionally, our partners receive discounts on services, customized user interfaces for their institutional users, a centralized billing system, a designated account manager, a convenient messaging system, and ongoing journal support.