Hope you are doing well vs Hope you are doing fine: Which Is Correct?

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Hope you are doing well or Hope you are doing fine: Meaning & Key Differences

"Hope you are doing well" and "Hope you are doing fine" are both expressions of goodwill used in communication, but they carry slightly different connotations. "Doing well" often implies a sense of thriving or betterment, suggesting that the speaker wishes for the addressee's overall success and happiness. In contrast, "doing fine" may convey a more neutral or modest state, implying that things are acceptable but not necessarily flourishing.

  • Examples of Hope you are doing well

    How to use Hope you are doing well in a sentence

    497,000 results on the web

    Dear Louisa, I hope you are doing well.

    Hope you're doing well. I'm fine here. Everything's good.

    Thanks, Mike... hope you're doing well otherwise.

    Hello, this is Michael. Hope you're doing well. I'm fine here. Everything's good.

    Don't worry, Harriet, you are doing well indeed, for a beginner.

    "I just hope he's doing well somewhere these days."

    You are doing your job well.

    I have heard that she hopes you are doing very well.

    He said that he hopes you are doing well after your stint in the hospital.

    How do you feel these days? I hope you are doing well!

  • Examples of Hope you are doing fine

    How to use Hope you are doing fine in a sentence

    234,000 results on the web

    Hope you are doing fine enough for the both of us.

    He says he sends his love and hopes you are doing fine these days.

    Marty says he hopes the girls are doing fine.

    Steve and Jim hope we are doing fine.

    Thinking about Mike, Wes and Travis--hope they are doing fine.

    I hope Steve is doing fine.

    They had to emergency section her baby. I hope they are doing fine.

    It's getting a little warm out here, but we are doing fine I hope.

    No, Marianne said she hopes they are doing fine.

    You are doing fine in my book.

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