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How to use Wordvice AI to Paraphrase Research Articles

Paraphrasing is a must-have skill for any student or researcher, whether you are doing research, writing an essay, or preparing a manuscript. To paraphrase means to rephrase someone else’s content in your own words. To paraphrase well, the key is to change the wording while keeping the original meaning unchanged. Paraphrasing other content and adding it to your writing can make your text more engaging and provide good evidence to support your arguments.

You may want to paraphrase a quote from another research article that is well-known in your field. You may be looking to paraphrase the conclusions of a study that supports the argument you are putting across in your own study. Alternatively, you may simply want to paraphrase a good point or statement that someone else has already brought up.

Naturally, as with quoting, it’s important to cite the source of your information every single time you paraphrase. In addition, when paraphrasing, you must avoid using words that are too similar to the original to avoid accidental plagiarism.

This is where Wordvice AI comes in.

Wordvice AI: An AI Paraphrasing Website

Wordvice AI's free paraphrasing tool can help you synthesize snippets from other sources and integrate them seamlessly into your own writing. The Wordvice free AI Paraphraser can rephrase a paragraph while maintaining the original meaning of the writing. The tool offers a variety of modes ranging from “fluent” to “academic” and “creative.”. With a free subscription, you have access to the “fluent” and “academic” modes. If you would like to try out the “professional-formal,” “professional-friendly,” and “creative” modes, consider taking out a premium subscription.

Paraphrase a sentence using Wordvice AI

There are a variety of ways in which you can paraphrase using Wordvice AI. You could, for instance, choose to paraphrase sentence by sentence. If there is only one snappy quote or a single key argument that you feel must be incorporated into your writing to support your case, we encourage you to try paraphrasing this sentence on its own. Simply pop the sentence into the lefthand side text box and click “Paraphrase,” and Wordvice AI will do the rest.

The following paraphrasing example is a quote from a book, Good Strategy Bad Strategy, by Richard Rumelt. After tinkling with the various modes, we found that the “fluent” mode gave us results closest to what we were looking for.

how to paraphrase a sentence using wordvice ai

Rephrase a paragraph using Wordvice AI

Sometimes, the information you are looking to reference can’t be summarized cleanly into one succinct quote or sentence. Complex ideas in particular need to be explained in a manner that helps readers understand both what the ideas signify and why they are relevant to your topic.

In cases like these, try copying and pasting an entire paragraph into the Wordvice AI Paraphraser. Our smart AI paraphrasing tool will analyze the structure of the paragraph and find a way to express the exact same idea with different words that flow equally as well as, or even better than, the original.

The following paraphrasing example is an explanation of the foot-in-the-door technique in psychology. For this text, the “academic” mode rephrased the writing in a more sophisticated way, using words more suitable for formal academic writing.

Rephrase a paragraph using Wordvice AI

Next Step: Putting it all together

When you’ve written the bulk of your document, inserted the relevant quotes, and added in the paraphrased information you need to strengthen your argument, it’s time to tie it all together for a final draft. See How to Use Wordvice AI Proofreader to Write an Essay Outline for tips on polishing your final draft. Make sure you nail the introduction section with this article about How to Write an Essay Introduction Paragraph with Examples.

If you’d like a good old-fashioned set of dependable human eyes to go over your writing before final submission, why not try Wordvice’s expert English editing services? Have one of our Master's or Ph.D. experts in your field review your writing from top to bottom and not only root out objective issues, but also suggest ways to improve overall structure and flow.