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How to Make AI Writing Sound More Human

Generative AI tools have revolutionized content creation, making the process faster and more efficient. However, AI-generated text often lacks the nuanced touch of human writing, which can lead to content that feels robotic, odd, or impersonal. In this article, we will explore various strategies you can apply to infuse AI writing with a natural touch. We'll begin by understanding the importance of humanizing AI text and then delve into practical techniques to make AI text more human.

From applying simple edits and varying sentence structures to using emotional language and cultural references, this article provides tips to transform your AI content. Additionally, we'll discuss enhancing specific document types and advanced techniques like storytelling and humor. Whether you're working on business documents or academic essays, this guide will help you make AI writing sound more human, engaging, and relatable.

Understanding the Importance of Humanizing AI Text

Humanizing AI text is crucial for creating content that resonates with readers. While AI can generate text almost instantly, it tends to lack the emotional depth and personal touch that a human writer can portray. This can result in content that feels sterile and unengaging. Additionally, AI-written text can be identified up by some best AI detectors that discern between text written by a human and that written by an AI tool.

By changing AI writing to human, you enhance its relatability and effectiveness, making it more likely to connect with your audience. This is important in marketing, customer service, and similar customer-facing content, where it is crucial to build an authentic connection with the reader. However, it is also critical to make text sound more human when writing a research paper, essay, or other academic document, as the use of AI writing tools to compose is often prohibited at colleges and universities. Overall humanizing AI text can improve reader trust, drive engagement, and ultimately achieve better results for any kind of writing.

A woman is trying to make AI text more human

Techniques to Make AI Text More Human

Apply a combination of the following techniques to make AI sound more human when writing your important documents. Some of these suggested methods may be more suitable for specific types of writing, but using multiple techniques will ensure that you thoroughly make it sound human.

How to make AI writing sound more human

To make text sound more human after using AI, apply a more conversational language and tone. Incorporate personal anecdotes and experiences to add authenticity and a personal touch.

For example, if the AI text output reads, "The company's revenue increased by 20% last year," add personal pronouns and qualitative adjectives:

"Last year, we saw our revenue grow by an impressive 20%, which was a huge milestone for us."

This not only provides factual information but also conveys that the author is proud of this achievement, making the content more compelling and human-like.

Make AI text sound human with contextual adjustments

Add context-specific details to make the content more relatable. Tailoring the message to the reader's own situation can significantly improve engagement.

If the output text flatly states, "It is important to exercise regularly," you could instead write, "For those of us working long hours at a desk, fitting in regular exercise is crucial to staying healthy." This adjustment not only provides needed information but also connects with the reader's daily life, making the advice come across as more relevant and impactful.

Grammatical ways to make AI sound more human

To make AI-generated text more human, focus on the grammatical aspects. Start by applying synonyms and expressions that people use in everyday conversation. For instance, replace "commence" with "start" and "purchase" with "buy."

Use contractions and informal constructions

Using contractions can also make the text sound more natural. Instead of "do not," use "don't," and replace "will not" with "won't."

Avoid overly formal or technical jargon unless necessary. For example, instead of saying "utilize," simply use "use," and instead of "assistance," opt for "help."

By incorporating these grammatical adjustments, you can significantly enhance the relatability and readability of AI-generated content, making it sound more human.

Apply synonyms and expressions

Incorporate synonyms and expressions that are common in everyday language. Use contractions to create a conversational tone. For example, instead of "cannot," use "can't," and replace "you will" with "you'll." This makes the text sound more natural and relatable.

Avoid overly formal or technical jargon unless it's essential to the context. Instead of saying "facilitate," use "help," and swap "purchase" for "buy." These changes ensure clarity and make the text more accessible to a wider audience.

By applying these strategies, you can enhance the readability and relatability of AI-generated content, making it feel more like it was written by a human.

Make AI sound human by varying sentence structure

Another way AI-generated text sounds a but “inhuman” is in the way it often uses a similar cadence of sentences. To make your AI text more human, vary the sentence structure by mixing short and long sentences. This creates a natural rhythm and keeps readers engaged.

For example, instead of writing only long sentences, combine them with shorter ones:

"The project was challenging. We overcame obstacles through teamwork and determination."

Using active voice instead of passive voicecan also make sentences more direct and engaging.

For instance, change "Mistakes were made by the team" to "The team made mistakes." Similarly, replace "The proposal was approved by the committee" with "The committee approved the proposal." These adjustments make the writing clearer and more dynamic, enhancing the human-like quality of the text.

Additional Ways to Rewrite AI Content to Human

Humanize AI text with emotional language

Humanizing AI text involves infusing it with emotional language and personal touches. Adding emotions and opinions can transform dry, factual text into engaging and relatable content.

For instance, instead of writing "The product launch was successful," you could say, "We were ecstatic about the incredible success of our product launch."

Incorporating opinions can also make content more human-like.

For example, change "The book received positive reviews" to "Readers loved the book, praising its compelling narrative and vivid characters."

To further humanize AI text, include sensory details and personal reflections. Instead of "The event was well-attended," try "We were delighted to see a full house, with guests buzzing with excitement throughout the event."

These strategies add depth and personality to AI-generated content, making it resonate more with readers on a personal level.

Use cultural references to make AI text more human

Incorporating cultural references, idioms, and slang can make AI-generated text feel more warmer and more personal. By using language that is familiar to your audience, you can create a stronger connection with the reader.

For example, whereas an AI writer might say "The project is difficult," add an idiom such as "The project is no walk in the park."

Replace somewhat stiff language like "The deadline is approaching" with the idiom "The clock is ticking on our deadline." This adds urgency and a sense of familiarity to your writing.

Using idioms and cultural phrases that resonate with your audience not only enhances readability but also helps convey complex ideas in a way that feels natural and engaging. These small adjustments can significantly humanize AI text, making it more appealing and effective for your readers.

Enhancing Specific Document Types

The following will illustrate how to make AI writing more human in two different types of documents: academic essays and admissions essays.

AI academic essay example

AI-written academic essay passage

The Weimar Republic was in Germany after World War I and was known for its culture and art. Even though there were political and economic problems, art culture grew a lot. This time was important for modern art because new movements started. Artists and intellectuals tried new things and did not follow old ways. This led to styles like Expressionism and Bauhaus. Berlin was a place where many artists, writers, and musicians came together. They created a lot, even though the times were hard. Art during this time was not just about creating but also commenting on politics and society. It showed the changes and challenges after the war.

Academic essay made more natural and human with revisions

The Weimar Republic was the German national government that formed following World War I. It represented a time of historic dynamism and cultural creativity. Although the period was economically and politically turbulent, artistic movements flourished, birthing innovations that permanently changed the course of modern art. Both intellectuals and artists experimented in many ways and interrogated social norms of traditional Germany, resulting in the groundbreaking Expressionism and Bauhaus styles. Berlin was an especially lively hub for these avant-garde writers, artists, thinkers, and musicians, and a spirit of creative and defiant flame was sparked in sharp relief to the turbulent times. This “cultural renaissance” could be identified by its nonconformity to conventions and the desire of its purveyors to explore the nuances of modern life. The art captured the chaotic-yet-hopeful zeitgeist of the Weimar Republic. Art became a means of political and social commentary, underlying the difficulties and optimism of post-war Europe.

Explanation of revisions

  1. More natural phrases and idioms applied: The human-altered passage uses phrases like "giving birth to innovative movements" and "spirit of creativity," which are more vivid and expressive compared to the basic passage's simpler descriptions.

  2. More emotional language used: Emotional language is applied with words like "remarkable cultural dynamism" and "bold defiance of conventions," which convey a stronger emotional impact than the straightforward statements in the basic passage.

  3. Sentence length and structure varied: The altered passage varies sentence lengths and structures to create a more engaging rhythm, while the basic passage uses mostly short, simple sentences.

  4. Contractions introduced: The altered passage includes contractions like "wasn't just a form of expression" to mimic natural speech, enhancing readability and making the tone more conversational.

  5. Synonyms and expressions applied: Synonyms like "flourished" and "fostering" replace repetitive words in the basic passage, enriching the text and avoiding monotony.

See more tips on how to write an academic essay, including examples, best practices, and academic editing services

AI college admissions essay example (Common App Essay)

AI-written admissions essay passage

Growing up in a small town, I always found solace in the pages of books. Stories became my escape, offering endless worlds to explore and characters to meet. It was during a summer of volunteering at my local library that I realized the profound impact literature could have on a community. Watching children light up with curiosity and imagination as they discovered new stories inspired me to pursue a career in education. I want to create a classroom environment where students feel the same excitement and wonder about learning that I felt. My passion for teaching is fueled by a desire to empower young minds, encouraging them to ask questions and embrace creativity. I believe education is the key to unlocking potential and that, as a teacher, I can inspire the next generation to dream big and aim high.

Admissions essay made more natural and human with revisions

When I was growing up in my smal town, I absolutely adored reading novels. Reading was a way for me to escape to new fantastic worlds. While volunteering at my local library in summers, I came to understand just how crucial books are to enriching someone’s life. I watched young children’s eye light up while reading short stories. These experiences were the catalyst that made me want to become a teacher. Now that I am pursuing education, my goal is to make my classroom into a place where students are excited about learning. My goal is to help students think deeper about ideas and to express their creativity in their own ways. I believe education is a prerequisite for anyone who wants to reach their goals. When I finally achieve my education degree, acquire my license, and become a teacher, my primary mission will be to help students dream and achieve their own goals through reading.

Explanation of revisions

  1. More natural phrases and idioms included: The human-altered passage uses idiomatic expressions like "find solace in the pages of books" and "unlocking potential," which are more vivid and compelling compared to the plain statements of the AI-written passage.

  2. Some emotional language applied: Emotional language such as "stories became my escape" and "lit up with curiosity and imagination" conveys a stronger emotional connection and passion.

  3. Sentence length and structure varied: The revised passage includes a mix of longer and shorter sentences, creating a more dynamic and engaging flow. The basic passage uses simple, uniform sentence structures.

  4. Contractions introduced: Contractions like "can't" and "it's" are used in the altered passage to create a more conversational and relatable tone.

  5. Synonyms and expressions applied: The altered passage employs synonyms and expressive language, like "profound impact" instead of "important," to enrich the narrative and convey a deeper meaning.

Read more tips on how to write a college admissions essay, including how to write the Common App Essay, Common App Essay prompts, college personal statement examples, and essay editing services.

Use an AI proofreader or grammar checker before submitting your document

If you’ve made if this far, congratulations! You now know there are many ways to make your AI writing sound more natural and human. Of course, one sure-fire way is to write all of the text yourself, without the aid of an AI writer. But if you do use an AI tool to draft your document, make sure to apply careful revision and use the methods surveyed in this article and you are sure to make the text sound more human.

Before submitting any important document, you might also want to run your work through an AI proofreader or AI grammar checker to ensure that there are no objective language errors. For other AI revision needs, use the Wordvice AI Writing Assistant, a suite of revision tools that includes an AI translator, AI paraphraser, AI summarizer, AI spell checker, AI plagiarism detector, AI content detector, and more!

Best of luck writing your next paper. But remember: always use AI writing tools responsibly and ethically.