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Upgrade to Premium to gain access to all Wordvice AI tools.


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Upgrade to Premium to gain access to all Wordvice AI tools.

$19.95 Best Value
$9.95 /Month
SAVE 50%

(US$119.4 a year)

Team Plan

Multiple subscriptions. Discounted pricing. One payment.

$19.95 Best Value
$9.95 /Month
SAVE 50%

(US$119.4 a year)

Basic Premium Team Plan
AI Proofreader Light and Standard modes only Light, Standard, Intensive, and Concise modes Light, Standard, Intensive, and Concise modes
AI Paraphraser Fluent and Academic modes only Fluent, Academic, Professional (formal/friendly), and Creative modes Fluent, Academic, Professional (formal/friendly), and Creative modes
AI Summarizer
AI Translator
AI Plagiarism Checker Up to 20 pages a month Up to 20 pages a month
AI Detector 15,000 characters/month 15,000 characters/month
Maximum Text Length
The maximum number of words that a user can submit to any Wordvice AI tool at one time.
500 words/submission 10,000 words/submission 10,000 words/submission
Word Count Limit
The total number of words that a user can submit to the Wordvice AI tools within a 30-day period.
5,000 words/month 1,000,000 words/month 1,000,000 words/month
Premium Support
prioritized service and custom solutions
Account roles and permissions Control who can manage specific administration by assigning roles and permissions.
Centralized billing Consolidate multiple subscriptions into a single payment.