were vs was: Which Is Correct?

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were or was: Meaning & Key Differences

"Was" and "were" are both past tense forms of the verb "to be," but they are used in different contexts. "Was" is the singular form, used with first-person (I) and third-person (he, she, it) subjects. In contrast, "were" is the plural form, used with second-person (you) and all plural subjects (we, they). For example, one might say, "I was at the park," while "They were at the park." Understanding the correct usage of these words is essential for proper grammar in English.

  • Examples of were

    How to use were in a sentence

    They were excited to see the concert.

    The children were playing in the park.

    We were happy to receive the good news.

    They were not aware of the changes.

    The books were on the shelf.

    She said they were going to the beach.

    The flowers were blooming beautifully.

    He thought they were the best team.

    The cookies were freshly baked.

    They were planning a surprise party.

  • Examples of was

    How to use was in a sentence

    The weather was beautiful yesterday.

    She was excited about the trip.

    He was the best player on the team.

    The movie was really interesting.

    They were happy that the event was a success.

    My favorite book was published last year.

    The cake was delicious and everyone loved it.

    It was a long day at work.

    Her smile was contagious and brightened the room.

    The concert was unforgettable and full of energy.

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