sometimes vs sometime: Which Is Correct?

A complete search of the internet has found these results:
sometimes is the most popular phrase on the web.

sometimes or sometime: Meaning & Key Differences

"Sometimes" and "sometime" are often confused due to their similar spellings, but they have distinct meanings. "Sometimes" is an adverb that refers to an action occurring occasionally or at certain times, such as "I sometimes go for a walk in the evening." In contrast, "sometime" is also an adverb, but it refers to an unspecified point in time, often in the future, as in "Let's meet sometime next week." Understanding the difference between these two words can enhance clarity in communication.

  • Examples of sometimes

    How to use sometimes in a sentence

    I sometimes go for a walk in the evening.

    She sometimes forgets to bring her lunch.

    They sometimes play soccer on weekends.

    He sometimes reads books before bed.

    We sometimes watch movies together on Fridays.

    You sometimes need to take a break from work.

    The weather sometimes changes unexpectedly.

    I sometimes enjoy cooking new recipes.

    She sometimes listens to music while studying.

    They sometimes visit their grandparents on holidays.

  • Examples of sometime

    How to use sometime in a sentence

    I like to go hiking sometime in the spring.

    She said she would call me sometime next week.

    We should meet for coffee sometime soon.

    He mentioned he might visit sometime this summer.

    I hope to travel to Europe sometime in the future.

    They plan to finish the project sometime next month.

    I remember visiting that museum sometime ago.

    You should try that restaurant sometime; it's amazing.

    I’ll send you the details sometime later.

    Let’s go to the beach sometime this year.

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