realize vs realise: Which Is Correct?

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realize or realise: Meaning & Key Differences

"Realize" and "realise" are two spellings of the same verb, meaning to become aware of something or to bring something into reality. The primary difference between them lies in regional usage: "realize" is the preferred spelling in American English, while "realise" is commonly used in British English and other varieties of English outside the U.S. Both forms are pronounced the same way and carry the same meaning, but the choice of spelling can reflect the writer's audience or location. In formal writing, it's important to maintain consistency in spelling based on the chosen variant of English. Ultimately, both words serve the same purpose, just with a slight geographical distinction.

  • Examples of realize

    How to use realize in a sentence

    I didn't realize how much I needed a break until I took one.

    She began to realize the importance of her education.

    It took me a while to realize that I was in love with her.

    He didn't realize the impact of his words on others.

    As I read the book, I started to realize the deeper meaning behind the story.

    They finally realize that teamwork is essential for success.

    I hope you realize how much you mean to me.

    After the meeting, I began to realize the challenges we face.

    She will realize her dreams if she works hard enough.

    Sometimes it takes a moment to realize what truly matters in life.

  • Examples of realise

    How to use realise in a sentence

    I didn't realise how much I needed a break until I took one.

    She began to realise the importance of her health after the doctor’s visit.

    It took him a while to realise that he was in love with her.

    When I saw the results, I couldn't realise how far I had come.

    They didn't realise the impact of their words until it was too late.

    I hope you realise how much you mean to me.

    As the sun set, I started to realise the beauty of the moment.

    She finally began to realise her dreams after years of hard work.

    I didn't realise that the meeting was rescheduled until I arrived.

    He will soon realise that honesty is the best policy.

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