rack vs wrack: Which Is Correct?

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rack or wrack: Meaning & Key Differences

"Rack" and "wrack" are often confused due to their similar pronunciation but have distinct meanings. "Rack" typically refers to a framework for holding or storing items, such as a rack for dishes or a bike rack. It can also be used as a verb meaning to place something on a rack or to cause extreme physical or mental suffering. In contrast, "wrack" is primarily used in the context of destruction or ruin, often seen in phrases like "wrack and ruin." While "rack" has more practical applications, "wrack" conveys a sense of devastation or loss.

  • Examples of rack

    How to use rack in a sentence

    The books were neatly arranged on the rack.

    He decided to rack his brain for a solution.

    The coat rack by the door was empty.

    She placed the trophies on the display rack.

    The rack of lamb was cooked to perfection.

    He used a rack to dry the dishes after washing them.

    The rack in the gym was filled with weights.

    They installed a bike rack outside the building.

    The rack of spices added flavor to the dish.

    She felt a sense of accomplishment as she cleared the rack of clutter.

  • Examples of wrack

    How to use wrack in a sentence

    The storm caused the ship to wrack against the rocks.

    She felt her emotions wrack her mind after the breakup.

    The intense workout began to wrack his muscles.

    Memories of the past can often wrack one's thoughts.

    The earthquake did not just wrack the buildings but also the community's spirit.

    He watched as the waves began to wrack the shoreline.

    The stress of the job can wrack a person's health over time.

    They tried to wrack their brains for a solution to the problem.

    The relentless pressure began to wrack her confidence.

    The old car was left to wrack in the junkyard for years.

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