offense vs offence: Which Is Correct?

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offense or offence: Meaning & Key Differences

"Offense" and "offence" are two spellings of the same word, with "offense" being the American English version and "offence" the British English variant. Both terms refer to a violation of a law or rule, or an act that causes hurt or displeasure. The choice between the two often depends on the regional dialect of English being used. In contexts like sports, "offense" can also refer to the team or strategy that scores points. Despite the spelling difference, their meanings remain consistent across both forms of English.

  • Examples of offense

    How to use offense in a sentence

    The player's offense was strong throughout the game.

    She felt that his comments were a personal offense.

    In sports, a good offense can often win the match.

    The lawyer argued that there was no intent to commit an offense.

    He apologized for his offense and promised to do better.

    The offense committed was minor, but still required a penalty.

    Her offense against the rules led to a suspension.

    They were charged with a serious offense that could lead to jail time.

    The offense of cheating in exams is taken very seriously.

    Understanding the nature of the offense is crucial for rehabilitation.

  • Examples of offence

    How to use offence in a sentence

    The player's offence was criticized by the coach for being too aggressive.

    She felt that his comments were a personal offence to her character.

    In the game, the team's offence managed to score three goals in the first half.

    He was charged with a serious offence that could lead to imprisonment.

    The offence of stealing is punishable by law in most countries.

    Her offence against the rules resulted in a warning from the referee.

    The offence committed during the protest led to several arrests.

    He apologized for his offence, hoping to mend their friendship.

    The offence of driving under the influence carries heavy penalties.

    In sports, a strong offence is often key to winning the championship.

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