neither vs nor: Which Is Correct?

A complete search of the internet has found these results:
neither is the most popular phrase on the web.

neither or nor: Meaning & Key Differences

"Neither" and "nor" are often used together to express a negative choice between two or more options. "Neither" functions as a determiner or pronoun, indicating that none of the options are applicable, while "nor" is a conjunction that connects the negative clauses. For example, in the sentence "Neither the cat nor the dog is allowed on the couch," "neither" introduces the first option, and "nor" links it to the second. Together, they emphasize the exclusion of both choices. Understanding their roles helps in constructing clear and grammatically correct negative statements.

  • Examples of neither

    How to use neither in a sentence

    Neither option seemed appealing to her.

    He was neither tired nor hungry after the long journey.

    Neither of the teams managed to score a goal.

    The results were neither conclusive nor informative.

    She felt neither happy nor sad about the news.

    Neither of the solutions solved

  • Examples of nor

    How to use nor in a sentence

    The cat is neither black nor white.

    She likes neither coffee nor tea.

    He can play the guitar nor the piano.

    I want neither pizza nor pasta for dinner.

    They are neither happy nor sad about the news.

    You should choose neither option nor the other.

    The book is neither interesting nor informative.

    She speaks neither French nor Spanish fluently.

    We found neither the keys nor the wallet.

    He is neither a doctor nor a lawyer.

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