minuscule vs miniscule: Which Is Correct?

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minuscule or miniscule: Meaning & Key Differences

"Minuscule" and "miniscule" are often confused, but only "minuscule" is the correct spelling. "Minuscule" means extremely small or tiny, deriving from the Latin word "minusculus," which means "somewhat smaller." On the other hand, "miniscule" is a common misspelling that has emerged in usage but lacks formal recognition in standard dictionaries. While both terms may be used in casual conversation, it's important to use "minuscule" in formal writing to convey precision. Thus, when describing something very small, remember to choose "minuscule" for accuracy.

  • Examples of minuscule

    How to use minuscule in a sentence

    The minuscule details in the painting were often overlooked.

    She wrote a minuscule note on the back of the card.

    His minuscule efforts were not enough to change the outcome.

    The minuscule size of the insect made it hard to spot.

    They found a minuscule error in the report that changed everything.

    The minuscule font on the document was difficult to read.

    Despite the minuscule budget, they managed to create a great event.

    The minuscule differences between the two products were negligible.

    She had a minuscule chance of winning the lottery.

    The minuscule amount of sugar in the recipe made it healthier.

  • Examples of miniscule

    How to use miniscule in a sentence

    This expression is incorrect.

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