forty vs fourty: Which Is Correct?

A complete search of the internet has found these results:
forty is the most popular phrase on the web.

forty or fourty: Meaning & Key Differences

"Forty" is the correct spelling of the number 40, while "fourty" is a common misspelling. The word "forty" derives from the Old English "feowertig," which means four tens. In contrast, "fourty" does not have any recognized meaning in the English language and is often a result of phonetic confusion. Accurate spelling is important in communication, as using "fourty" can lead to misunderstandings. Therefore, it's essential to remember that "forty" is the only correct form when referring to the number.

  • Examples of forty

    How to use forty in a sentence

    The forty students in the class were eager to learn.

    She celebrated her forty birthday with a big party.

    The forty miles we walked felt like an adventure.

    He has read forty books this year alone.

    The forty shades of blue in the painting were mesmerizing.

    They raised forty dollars for charity at the bake sale.

    The forty minutes of exercise each day improved her health.

    I found forty reasons to love this city.

    The forty year old tree stood tall in the park.

    We need to buy forty chairs for the event next week.

  • Examples of fourty

    How to use fourty in a sentence

    This expression is incorrect.

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