elicit vs illicit: Which Is Correct?

A complete search of the internet has found these results:
elicit is the most popular phrase on the web.

elicit or illicit: Meaning & Key Differences

"Elicit" and "illicit" are often confused due to their similar sounds, but they have distinct meanings. "Elicit" is a verb that means to draw out or bring forth a response, information, or reaction from someone. For example, a teacher might elicit answers from students during a discussion. In contrast, "illicit" is an adjective that describes something that is forbidden or illegal, such as illicit drugs or activities. Understanding the difference between these two words is crucial for clear communication.

  • Examples of elicit

    How to use elicit in a sentence

    The teacher tried to elicit a response from the shy student.

    The detective's questions were designed to elicit the truth from the suspect.

    Her smile seemed to elicit a sense of comfort in the room.

    The survey was created to elicit feedback from the participants.

    He hoped to elicit sympathy from his audience with his story.

    The coach's motivational speech aimed to elicit enthusiasm from the team.

    The artist's work can elicit strong emotions from viewers.

    The documentary was intended to elicit awareness about environmental issues.

    The therapist used specific techniques to elicit deeper feelings from her clients.

    The unexpected news managed to elicit a gasp from the crowd.

  • Examples of illicit

    How to use illicit in a sentence

    The authorities cracked down on the illicit trade of endangered species.

    Many people are unaware of the illicit activities happening in their neighborhoods.

    The documentary exposed the illicit drug trafficking networks operating in the city.

    He was arrested for his involvement in illicit gambling operations.

    The illicit sale of stolen goods is a serious crime.

    She was shocked to discover the illicit affair her friend was having.

    The organization works to combat illicit financial flows across borders.

    They faced severe penalties for their illicit actions during the protest.

    The illicit use of copyrighted material can lead to legal consequences.

    Authorities are investigating the illicit distribution of counterfeit products.

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