counsel vs council: Which Is Correct?

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counsel or council: Meaning & Key Differences

"Counsel" and "council" are often confused due to their similar pronunciation but have distinct meanings. "Counsel" refers to advice or guidance, often in a legal context, or can denote a lawyer providing such advice. In contrast, "council" refers to a group of individuals convened for decision-making or advisory purposes, such as a city council. While "counsel" is typically used as a noun or verb, "council" is exclusively a noun. Understanding the difference is crucial for clear communication.

  • Examples of counsel

    How to use counsel in a sentence

    The lawyer provided counsel to his client during the trial.

    She sought counsel from her friends before making a decision.

    The teacher offered counsel to students struggling with their studies.

    He acted as a counsel for the committee during the negotiations.

    After the meeting, they decided to follow the counsel of the experts.

    The counsel given by the mentor helped her navigate her career.

    They were grateful for the counsel received from the community leaders.

    The counsel of the therapist was invaluable during her recovery.

    He took the counsel of his parents seriously when choosing a college.

    The counsel provided by the financial advisor was crucial for their investment strategy.

  • Examples of council

    How to use council in a sentence

    The local council decided to improve the park facilities.

    She was elected to the student council for her leadership skills.

    The city council held a meeting to discuss the new budget.

    Members of the council are working on a new community project.

    The council recommended several changes to the zoning laws.

    He presented his ideas to the council during the public hearing.

    The council aims to enhance public transportation in the area.

    A new council was formed to address environmental issues.

    The council members voted unanimously in favor of the proposal.

    She serves on the advisory council for the nonprofit organization.

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