beck and call vs beckon call: Which Is Correct?

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beck and call or beckon call: Meaning & Key Differences

"Beck and call" and "beckon call" are often confused phrases, but only the former is correct. "Beck and call" refers to being at someone's service, ready to respond to their requests or needs. It originates from the words "beckon" (to signal) and "call," implying a readiness to attend to someone’s commands. On the other hand, "beckon call" is a misinterpretation and lacks a recognized meaning in English. Therefore, when expressing the idea of being readily available to assist someone, "beck and call" is the appropriate choice.

  • Examples of beck and call

    How to use beck and call in a sentence

    She is always at my beck and call whenever I need help.

    The assistant was at the boss's beck and call throughout the meeting.

    He felt like he was living his life at her beck and call.

    Being at their beck and call made him feel like a servant.

    The staff was trained to be at the customers' beck and call.

    She expected her friends to be at her beck and call during the event.

    Living in a big city, he was used to being at the beck and call of his clients.

    The celebrity had a team at her beck and call 24/7.

    He resented being at her beck and call for so long.

    In the world of service, being at the beck and call of others is common.

  • Examples of beckon call

    How to use beckon call in a sentence

    This expression is incorrect.

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