aid vs aide: Which Is Correct?

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aid is the most popular phrase on the web.

aid or aide: Meaning & Key Differences

"Aid" and "aide" are often confused due to their similar pronunciation but have distinct meanings. "Aid" is a noun or verb that refers to assistance or support, such as providing help in a crisis or offering financial aid. In contrast, "aide" is a noun that specifically denotes a person who assists another, often in a professional or official capacity, like a personal aide to a politician. While both words relate to the concept of help, "aid" focuses on the act or process, whereas "aide" emphasizes the individual providing that help. Understanding the difference can enhance clarity in communication.

  • Examples of aid

    How to use aid in a sentence

    The organization provides aid to those in need.

    She received aid from her friends during tough times.

    The government announced new aid programs for small businesses.

    He offered his aid to help with the project.

    The charity focuses on providing aid to disaster victims.

    They sought aid from international agencies after the crisis.

    Her expertise was a great aid in solving the problem.

    The aid package included food, water, and medical supplies.

    Volunteers are always ready to offer their aid in emergencies.

    The scholarship was a significant aid for her education.

  • Examples of aide

    How to use aide in a sentence

    I need an aide to help me with my project.

    The teacher provided an aide for the struggling students.

    She works as a research aide at the university.

    The aide assisted the elderly man with his groceries.

    He is looking for a personal aide to manage his schedule.

    The aide took notes during the meeting for the absent members.

    She became a teaching aide to gain experience in education.

    The aide helped translate the documents into Spanish.

    He was hired as a legislative aide to support the senator.

    The aide organized the files to improve office efficiency.

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