I couldn’t care less vs I could care less: Which Is Correct?

A complete search of the internet has found these results:
I couldn’t care less is the most popular phrase on the web.

I couldn’t care less or I could care less: Meaning & Key Differences

The phrases "I couldn’t care less" and "I could care less" are often confused, but they convey different meanings. "I couldn’t care less" indicates that someone has no interest or concern about a topic, suggesting that it is impossible to care any less than they already do. In contrast, "I could care less" implies that there is some level of concern, which contradicts the intended meaning of indifference. Despite this, the latter phrase is commonly used in casual conversation, leading to widespread misunderstanding. Ultimately, using "I couldn’t care less" is the more accurate way to express complete apathy.

  • Examples of I couldn’t care less

    How to use I couldn’t care less in a sentence

    I asked him if he was worried about the outcome, but he said he couldn’t care less.

    She always acts like she’s the center of the universe, but honestly, I couldn’t care less.

    When it comes to gossip, I couldn’t care less about what people say.

    He was upset about the game, but I couldn’t care less about sports.

    My friend is stressed about the party, but I couldn’t care less if it happens or not.

    She keeps talking about her problems, but I couldn’t care less about her drama.

    They were arguing over the movie, but I couldn’t care less about their opinions.

    He thinks his promotion is a big deal, but I couldn’t care less about his job.

    I don’t understand why she’s so upset; I couldn’t care less about the situation.

    At the end of the day, I couldn’t care less about what others think of me.

  • Examples of I could care less

    How to use I could care less in a sentence

    I don't understand why people say I could care less about the latest celebrity gossip.

    When it comes to politics, honestly, I could care less about the debates.

    My friend is always worried about trends, but I could care less what others think.

    She asked if I liked the new restaurant, and I said I could care less about trying it.

    He keeps talking about his new car, but frankly, I could care less about vehicles.

    Whenever they complain about the weather, I just think I could care less about the rain.

    They were discussing the latest fashion, but I told them I could care less about clothes.

    My neighbor is upset about the noise, but honestly, I could care less about it.

    She was worried about the movie reviews, but I told her I could care less about critics.

    In the end, when it comes to their opinions, I could care less what they say.

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