Thank you both vs Thanks to both of you

Thank you both 是較常見的用法。


「Thank you both」直接向兩個人表達謝意,語氣較為正式。而「Thanks to both of you」則略顯輕鬆,帶有更具對話感的語氣。雖然這兩個句子都傳達了相同的感謝之意,但「Thank you both」較正式,「Thanks to both of you」則更強調親切感。總而言之,選擇哪種說法取決於具體情境以及說話者與接收者之間的關係。

  • Thank you both 的例句

    搜尋結果約有 5,444,902 筆

    Thank you both for coming to our engagement party.

    I would really like to thank you both for being wonderful friends to me.

    Now is as good a time as any to thank you both for your efforts.

    That girl has a future now--thank you both for that.

    Actually, this is my footage. Thank you both for giving me a new angle on my project.

    Info and review completed by Roberto Merico and Dana Carville.** Thank you both** for your hard work.

    So I would like to thank you both for giving me the best present a mom could ever receive."

  • Thanks to both of you 的例句

    搜尋結果約有 2,466,400 筆

    Thanks to both of you, I will do as you both suggested and sit it inside a larger clay pot for the weight and enjoy the bud... which has now opened since posting my original message.

    Many thanks to both of you.

    Now is as good a time as any to say thanks to both of you.

    My deepest thanks to both of you for a job well done.

    That girl has a future now thanks to both of you.

    Actually, this Is My Footage, And Thanks To Both Of You, I Think I Got A New Angle On My Subject.

    Info and review by Roberto Merico; already reported by Leonardo Di Vincenzo... thanks to both of you!

    So thanks to both of you, thank you very much, but no.

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