該用 what happened to 還是 what happened with?

what happened to 是較常見的用法。

區別 what happened to 和 what happened with:意思和差異

「What happened to」通常帶有變化或損失的意味,表達某事物可能已經受到了某種影響或改變。例如,「What happened to the old building?」表示這棟建築物可能不再維持原狀。相比之下,「What happened with」則關注涉及多個因素的互動或過程,例如「What happened with the project?」,重點在於專案中的事件或情境,而非結果。這兩種表達方式都在探詢某件事情,但著重點不同,一個強調變化結果,另一個關注過程與背景。

  • what happened to 的例句

    例句中 what happened to 的用法

    搜尋結果約有 77,900,000 筆

    Not after what happened to Wesley.

    You saw what happened to Terry.

    So, what happened to James Woods?

    Because that's what happened to LawrenceJones.

    I meant what happened to the person.

    Not after what happened to Victor.

    Claire, what happened to your dad after the party last night?

    I heard about what happened to Hanson. I'm so sorry.

    Shame what happened to your cousin.

    I want to ask you about what happened to your wife.

    I regret now what happened to More.

    Nobody knows what happened to her.

    What happened to this theme park? It used to be so nice.

  • what happened with 的例句

    例句中 what happened with 的用法

    搜尋結果約有 10,400,000 筆

    We heard what happened with the hostage situation.

    Sorry for what happened with the festival last night.

    Look what happened with Ultron and Wonderman.

    I forgot to tell you what happened with Rachel at school today.

    Tell me what happened with Landon Wale.

    Mr. Munroe, tell us, whatever happened with this city's parks?

    That's what happened with the Kennedy assassination.

    This is exactly what happened with Kirsty.

    You saw what happened with the second Capote.

    And you figure out what happened with utz.

    This is exactly what happened with the Iraq war.

    The other part is what happened with the elevator.

    I gotta tell you about what happened with Porter and his experiment--there was an accident.

    GRETCHEN: Look, what happened with Billy was not important, I promise!

    I heard what happened with the Crowders' old place.

    I heard about what happened with your uncle's bar. That's a shame.

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