All the best in your future endeavors vs Good luck with your future endeavors

All the best in your future endeavors 是較常見的用法。


「All the best in your future endeavors」是一種熱情且真誠的祝福,通常帶有對對方未來成功的深切關心。相比之下,「Good luck with your future endeavors」則顯得較為隨意和直接,重點在於希望對方的成功中有好運相伴。儘管這兩個短語都傳達了積極的情感,但前者語氣更誠摯,暗示著更深厚的情感聯繫。總而言之,選擇哪一個短語取決於雙方的關係親疏程度以及所要傳達的訊息背景。

  • All the best in your future endeavors 的例句

    搜尋結果約有 55,800 筆

    And, Kate, all the best in your future endeavors.

    I wish you all the best of luck in maintaining that balance in your future endeavors.

    I also wish you good fortune and happiness in your future endeavours outside of Parliament.

    May I wish you luck and happiness in your future endeavours which, I am sure, will continue in the same style to which we have become accustomed here.

    Right. Well, I wish you the very best of luck with your future endeavours, Luke.

    I wish you all the best for your future, wherever that may be.

    Finally, as this is my last address to this House, I would like to say how much I have enjoyed working with all of you, and let me wish all of you success in your future endeavours and every happiness.

    I believe that he will be a hard act to follow and I wish you, Mr President, all the best in your term of office.

    Mr President, I wish you and the new Parliament all the best in your work.

    We wish you only the best in your future endeavours.

  • Good luck with your future endeavors 的例句

    搜尋結果約有 43,500 筆

    Right. Well, I wish you the very best of luck with your future endeavours, Luke.

    Good luck with all your future projects.

    Good luck with all your future endeavors.

    Good luck with your aid and with your future endeavors.

    And good luck with your Worlds trials.

    Anyway, good luck with Eunetta and your future endeavors.

    Just good luck with your dates, but also with your future endeavours.

    Good luck with your uncle.

    Best of Luck In Your Future Endeavors or Good Luck in Your Future Endeavors are common phrases used in business correspondence.

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