Is it possible? vs Is that possible?

一番よく使われている表現はIs it possible?です。


この2つの表現はほどんどの脈略で同じ意味で使われます。しかし、 “Is that possible”は主に既に話の中で言及された要求や行動について話す時に使われる表現です。

  • Is it possible?


    Theoretically, is it possible to use magnetic energy?

    How is it possible that you didn't know this in advance?

    Officer Conforth, is it possible that I may take a little snack break?

    Not only is it possible, but I think it's spreading.

    Neither is it possible to evaluate that role in economic terms.

    I mean, is it even possible to do this according to the science?

    How is it possible to make a facility like Onkalo disappear from this land?

    Then, is it possible the president is also misunderstanding me?

    Now, is it possible they colluded?

    Senator Amidala, is it possible you might be going deaf?

  • Is that possible?


    How** is that possible** in her condition though?

    How is that possible, dude? I hardly knew him!

    How is that possible, Queen Diana?

    You might ask how is that possible--and I would not have a good answer for you.

    Can I get a cheeseburger? Is that possible?

    How is that possible? Let's go to something else.

    How is that possible, Dr Jackman?

    All those dozens of Cheetahs you saw, how is that possible?

    Wait, is that possible with her in a coma?

    How is that possible, with audience erosion and competition from Internet and satellite?

    I saw something that looked like a true UFO last night. Is that possible?

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