After he finishes school vs After he finished school

一番よく使われている表現はAfter he finished schoolです。


「After he finishes school」は現在形を使っており、これからの状況や計画を表現し、学校が終わった後に起こる可能性のあることについて話しています。一方、「After he finished school」は過去形を使用しており、すでに学校が終わった時点の状況を説明します。前者はこれからの出来事への期待や計画を表し、後者はすでに起こった経験や結果を表す際に使われ、これらのフレーズは、文脈や出来事の発生時間に応じて異なる意味を持ちます。

  • After he finished school


    After he finished school, we'd meet in Central Park.

    Your father started teaching after he finished high school.

    I trained newly blind people for ten years after I finished school.

    I was going to take Regan to Europe for a while after she finished school.

    And when he finished school... deserted you and went home.

    What did his mother do with her days after he finished school and went to college?

    After they finished school, they all went their different ways to live their own separate lives.

    What did Charlie do after he finished school last spring?

  • After he finishes school


    Maybe he plans on taking up prizefighting after he finishes school this year.

    Just after he finishes talking to my daddy, I guess.

    Charlie and I are going camping tomorrow at Juniper Park after he finishes his shift.

    Yeah. Right after he finishes everything on the bride's to-do list.

    And Nurcan's going to work when she finishes school.

    I don't want Travis to be one of those kids that who, after he finishes school, just sits around doing nothing, waiting for his dream job.

    Twenty minutes later, he finishes photographing the bedroom.

    After he finishes grad school, he will work as a mechanical engineer at a company in Spain.

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