I am confused vs I am confusing

一番よく使われている表現はI am confusedです。


「I am confused」とは、特定の第三者や状況によって自分が混乱している状況を表します。一方、「I am confusing」は、話者が自分の言動や行動によって他の人を混乱させている状態を表します。前者は話者自身の感情について述べていますが、後者は話者の行動が他人に与える影響に焦点を当てています。したがって、これらの2つの表現は主体や状況に応じて全く異なるニュアンスを持ち、それに応じて適切に使い分ける必要があります。

  • I am confused

    How to use I am confused in a sentence


    How do you say “I am confused” in French?

    I am confused about your instructions.

    I want to tell my professor that I am confused about the material, but I’m worried that she’ll think I’m stupid.

    I am confused because you previously said that you were available on Friday, and now you’re saying that you’re busy that day.

    I am confused; can you please explain it to me again?

    First of all, I am confused about the work schedule.

    I am confused about when I am supposed to take my medication.

    I am confused about how to approach this project.

    Is it bad that I am confused about this?

    I am confused now; you said that you didn’t support this motion, but you have now expressed your intention to vote in favour of it.

    I am confused about how these things are related.

    The plans have changed so many times that I am confused about when and where we’re meeting up.

  • I am confusing

    How to use I am confusing in a sentence


    Sorry if I am confusing you.

    I am confusing myself by overthinking this.

    I am confusing this term with this other similar term.

    I need help with this equation; I am confusing myself trying to solve it.

    People say that I am confusing because I don’t speak my mind very often.

    My brother said that I am confusing him because my method of solving equations is different from the one his teacher taught him.

    Apologies: I am confusing Taylor with Tyler.

    After explaining how to solve the problem, my friend said, “Sorry if I am confusing you.”

    I am confusing the dates of our Mexico trip with the dates of our Europe trip.

    I am confusing my anxious thoughts with facts.

    I didn’t understand the lesson, and I am confusing myself by trying to figure out what the teacher meant.

    I am confusing--my friends say they never know what I truly want.

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