I am going to work vs I am going to go to work:どちらが正しい?

一番よく使われている表現はI am going to workです。

I am going to work or I am going to go to work? : 意味と違い

「I am going to work」と「I am going to go to work」は似たような意味を持っていますが、微妙なニュアンスの違いがあります。「I am going to work」は、現在私が職場に向かっている、またはこれから向かうという直接的な意図を表しています。一方で、「I am going to go to work」は、動作そのものに重点を置き、私が職場に行く計画を立てていることを示しています。したがって、前者はより簡潔な表現として実質的な行動を強調し、後者は計画の過程をより詳細に述べている印象を与えます。どちらの表現も私が仕事に行くことを意味しますが、状況に応じて適切な表現を選ぶことが重要です。

  • I am going to workの例文

    H例文でのI am going to workの用法


    I am going to work: This usually means that I'm headed to my workplace right now.

    I am going to work on being less condescending. That means to talk down to people sarcastic cross pattern.

    I am going to work now. I'll call you when I leave the office.

    I am going to work on my street photography skills for some time. Lots and lots to learn!

    I am going to work hard to achieve it. “Of course, I know English football is very different to football in Spain because it's more physical.

    I am going to work elsewhere in the Netherlands. Congratulations on your new job!

    For me, it is also important that the company I am going to work for follow certain values that I appreciate.

    "After this internship, I am going to work toward finishing school," she said. Her goal is to graduate in the next year.

    “If only one guy shows up, I am going to work them,” said Harris. “In all seriousness, my job is to show them and teach each one of them.”

    I remember walking in saying 'I am going to work here one day, and I will be the youngest girl of color to work here.'"

    So what we're going to do today is, I am going to work the audience and ask you two questions. Who are you? Where are you from?

    Mr Barroso's new Commission includes experienced and wise politicians such as Mr Barnier and Mrs Reding, with whom I am going to work closely.

  • I am going to go to workの例文

    例文でのI am going to go to workの用法


    Tell her to be back here in ten minutes or I am going to go to work on you.

    Hi, I am working in a call center. I am going to work in or for the English market? What should i use?

    I am GAY and I am going to go to work for someone else!

    I want the responsibility and I am going to go to work on the problem until it is solved.

    I am going to go and work in the garden this afternoon unless it rains.

    Well, since I am going to go to work quite focused on “Dynamics (CRM, NAV & AX) as a Development platform”, I am going to post about it.

    Tomorrow, I am going to go to work at 10:00 no matter what happens.

    I am going to go to work tomorrow.

    Tell her to be back here in ten minutes or I am going to go to work on you.

    I was wondering which colour car I am going to go to work with this year... deep red for a lovely coupe!

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