Sorry for the confusion vs Sorry for the confusion caused

Eine vollständige Suche im Internet hat folgende Ergebnisse erbracht:
Sorry for the confusion ist die beliebteste Phrase im Internet.

Wie unterscheiden sich diese Begriffe?

"Sorry for the confusion" is a concise expression of regret that acknowledges a misunderstanding without delving into specifics. In contrast, "Sorry for the confusion caused" explicitly attributes the confusion to a specific source or action. While both phrases convey a sense of apology, the latter adds a layer of accountability, suggesting that there was an active role in creating the confusion. The choice between them may depend on the context; the first is more casual, while the second may feel more formal or deliberate.

  • Beispiele für “Sorry for the confusion ” im Internet

    300,593 Ergebnisse im Internet

    I'm so sorry for the confusion about the wedding time. We thought it was at 6:00PM.

    Sorry for the confusion--I didn't know this car was yours.

    My handwriting is terrible, so sorry for the confusion since you couldn't read it properly.

    Didn't I say I would be the one to bring the cake? Oh, sorry for the confusion about that.

    We are deeply** sorry for the confusion** this inorrect ticket caused you.

    Sorry for the confusion about the results, but it was not the fault of our laboratory.

  • Beispiele für “sorry for the confusion caused” im Internet

    Ergebnisse im Internet

    Sorry for the confusion caused by my thoughtless words. I didn't mean to mislead you.

    The told me the show was cancelled. Sorry for the confusion caused and any time wasted.

    We regret to inform you that the concert is now starting at 8:00 instead of 6:30. We apologize for the confusion caused.

    Sorry for the confusion caused, but I still need to leave here soon, regardless of what I told you before.

    These carrots are $3, not $2. Sorry for the confusion caused by this bad labeling.

    We would like to say sorry for the confusion caused by the words printed in this book.

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