該用 for sending me 還是 for conveying to me?

for sending me 是較常見的用法。

區別 for sending me 和 for conveying to me:意思和差異

「For sending me」這個用法通常用來強調發送的動作,並且常用來表達對這個行為的感謝。相比之下,「for your sending to me」則更強調寄件者的角色,使語氣更加正式和個人化。雖然這兩者都能表達讚賞,但「for your sending to me」在日常對話中較少使用,並且聽起來可能較為生硬。總體而言,「for sending me」更直接且使用頻率更高,而「for your sending to me」則顯得更具正式性和對寄件者努力的重視。

  • for sending me 的例句

    例句中 for sending me 的用法

    搜尋結果約有 4,028,111 筆

    A plague on Caesar for sending me here.

    I just want to say thank you for sending me such an amazing woman and unbelievably generous lover.

    You don't expect me to think these things... ...are sufficient reason for sending me...

    Thanks for sending me on a wild goose chase, by the way.

    Dear Mum and Dad, thank you for sending me the magazine.

    I came by to say thank you for sending me the profile.

    Are you mad at yourself for sending me that picture?

    Thanks for sending me to that seminar.

    I shall always love you for sending me here.

    Thank you for sending me flowers.

    Thank you for sending me away when you needed to.

  • for conveying to me 的例句

    例句中 for conveying to me 的用法

    搜尋結果約有 300,229 筆

    Thank you for conveying this message to me. It is greatly appreciated.

    They said they were sorry for conveying to me such sad information.

    For conveying to me this lovely package, I will reimburse you fully, don't worry.

    I don't think he know he was conveying this stuff for me, but I definitely appreciate it.

    Did Ellen say she was proud for conveying the important letter to me.

    Convey to me whatever you wish, just as long as it is more important than this evening meal of which I am about to partake.

    For conveying to me this letter, I will grant you three wishes.

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