Sorry for the inconvenience vs Sorry for the inconveniences:どちらが正しい?

一番よく使われている表現はSorry for the inconvenienceです。

Sorry for the inconvenience or Sorry for the inconveniences? : 意味と違い

“Sorry for any inconvenience”がよく使われる自然な表現です。しかし、ある行動によって 生じた不便な状況が複数ある場合は“sorry for the inconveniences”という表現を使えます。

  • Sorry for the inconvenienceの例文

    H例文でのSorry for the inconvenienceの用法


    We're very sorry for the inconvenience.

    I'm sorry for any inconvenience my daughter caused...

    We are sorry for any inconvenience that may have been caused by this issue.

    We're sorry for any inconvenience we may have caused you last week.

    Jess, that I am so sorry for the inconvenience my addiction may have caused you.

    We're sorry for the inconvenience this causes any European users who will now be under the age of consent in their country.

    We are sorry for any inconvenience caused by that and would like to thank everyone who helped getting this issue solved so fast and without any major consequences.

    Thank you for taking the time to write this review as I am sorry for the inconvenience you had while staying at our apartment.

    I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

    I am very sorry for your inconvenience.

    We are sorry for the inconvenience.

    Well, I'm sorry for the inconvenience, Mrs. Sammler.

    Sorry for the inconvenience, we are looking for missing people.

    Okay, well... sorry for the inconvenience."

  • Sorry for the inconveniencesの例文

    例文でのSorry for the inconveniencesの用法


    Sorry for the many inconveniences this caused this community.

    We are sorry for the inconveniences over the years due to missed service calls.

    Although we are sorry for any inconveniences this causes, there is no other method of proceeding.

    Did the company every say sorry for the inconveniences they caused us over the years?

    The inconveniences caused by this action make us deeply ashamed.

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