该用 appreciate it 还是 appreciated it?

appreciate it 是人们最常用的表达方式。

区分 appreciate it 和 appreciated it?:意思和差异

“Appreciate it”是一个现在式短语,用来表达对当下或目前发生的事情的感激,强调的是持续的感谢之情。相对的,“Appreciated it”则是过去式,表示对过去的某个行动或善意表示感激。虽然这两个用法都传达了感谢的意思,但它们在时间上的用法有所不同。“Appreciate it”通常用在刚收到帮助后,而“Appreciated it”则指的是对过去的恩惠表达感激,这些微妙的差别反映了在不同情境下表达感激的细腻之处。

  • appreciate it的例句

    例句中 appreciate it 的用法


    I appreciate it when you could come to my parties.

    Thank you for the gift—I appreciate it.

    I always appreciate it when people say “thank you.”

    She wants to thank everyone for their concern—she really appreciates it.

    We want to thank everyone for coming to our wedding—we really appreciate it.

    He told me that he appreciates it when I ask how his day was.

    I appreciate it when my boyfriend shows interest in my hobbies.

  • appreciated it的例句

    例句中 appreciated it 的用法


    I appreciated it when you gave me that advice.

    Thank you for giving my daughter such a nice present—she appreciated it.

    He told me to tell you that he appreciated it when you came to watch his show.

    After I got the job, I sent an email to the woman who served as my reference and told her that I

    appreciated it.

    Though I appreciated it, I didn’t follow your advice.

    He appreciated it when his father came to his football game.

    I said that I appreciated it even though I didn’t like the gift.

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