in the first row vs at the first row:どちらが正しい?

一番よく使われている表現はin the first rowです。

in the first row or at the first row? : 意味と違い

「in the first row」と「at the first row」は似ていますが、使用される文脈には違いがあります。「in the first row」は最初の列の中に位置することを意味し、主に内部にあることを強調する際に用いられます。一方、「at the first row」は特定の場所である最前列の近くに位置することを示し、一般的には外部的な文脈で使われます。したがって、両方の表現は位置を示しますが、ニュアンスや使用される状況に違いがあります。これらの違いを理解することは、言語をより正確に使うために非常に役立ちます。

  • in the first rowの例文

    H例文でのin the first rowの用法


    All those in the first row come from the media.

    Your honor, this man in the first row is a reporter and he's giving questions to counsel.

    We saved you a place in the first row.

    There's one in the first row.

    In Table 2, the heading in the first row of the third column is replaced by:

    In food category 'Dietary foods for babies and young children for special medical purposes as defined in Directive 1999/21/EC', the text in the first row is replaced by the following:

    My mother was in the first row of the women and she signalled to us with her eyes.

    Why is Roberto in the first row? Is he a VIP?

    Drivers in the first row signifying that they're ready to race.

    I can't believe we had to sit in the first row.

  • at the first rowの例文

    例文でのat the first rowの用法


    Standing at the first row, you can see the entire field, including the bases.

    "Hey. Bill! Where are you? I'm standing at the first row next to the hot-dog stand."

    She left her cart at the first row in the department store, but she can't find it now.

    Where is the cheese? It's piled at the first row on your left, next to the milk.

    Are you guys going to be at the first row of the concert when I arrive?

    I want to sit in the third row, but we could meet at the first row.

    At the first row on your right, you will see that we have a brand new shipment of products being shelved.

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