I have spoken with vs I had spoken with:どちらが正しい?

一番よく使われている表現はI have spoken withです。

I have spoken with or I had spoken with? : 意味と違い

「I have spoken with」と「I had spoken with」は、どちらも過去の会話を表現していますが、それぞれの時間的文脈には違いがあります。「I have spoken with」は、現在に関連する過去の経験を強調し、その経験が現在にまで影響を及ぼしていることを示しています。一方、「I had spoken with」は、過去の特定の時点よりも前に行われた会話を指し、過去のさまざまな出来事や状況との関係を表します。このため、これら二つの表現は、会話の時点とそれに伴う文脈を明確に区別する上で重要な役割を果たします。

  • I have spoken withの例文

    H例文でのI have spoken withの用法


    Sgt. Anders, I have spoken with your superior officer in Costanza.

    I have spoken with many shamed penitents tonight, child.

    Yes. I have spoken with her about the matter and she gave me her serious objections.

    I have spoken with Signor Visconti regarding the new wine cellar.

    I have spoken with Imperatori in more detail.

    I have spoken with the tribal leaders on Felucia.

    I have spoken with him and others is over, will not happen to you.

    I have spoken with many works councils - also within my constituency.

    So, Julia, I have spoken with the ethics committee.

    Did she tell you that I have spoken with her father about this semester's grades?

  • I had spoken withの例文

    例文でのI had spoken withの用法


    By the time I had spoken with Z I had realized that, [...] because of the shift that had just happened, I now had the power to. [...] activate the special Vortex web, ...

    Oct 23, 2015 ... "I was impressed with Todd as soon as I had spoken with him. He was immediately responsive to my inquiries about the properties that I was ...

    But as I went more and more about the country I learned that I had spoken with assurance on a subject I knew little about... I learned that the power to rise in the ...

    1 day ago ... I started to notice that I was running out of steam quicker than I had been before. I had spoken with John about how I was feeling and he agreed to come and see me.

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