該用 Which is better 還是 Which on is better?

Which is better 是較常見的用法。

區別 Which is better 和 Which on is better:意思和差異

「Which is better」通常用於比較兩個選項,但不直接指出它們,讓人們對它們的相對品質發表看法。相較之下,「Which one is better」則表示在多個選擇中尋求具體的最佳選項。這兩個表達雖然都在尋求比較,但「which is better」感覺較為籠統,而「which one is better」則更針對具體決策。總而言之,選擇哪一個表達取決於上下文以及要比較的選項數量。

  • Which is better 的例句

    例句中 Which is better 的用法

    搜尋結果約有 22,000,000 筆

    I'm going to read the horoscope, which is better.

    Platinum even, which is better than gold.

    Which is better, do you know?

    It was not the ideal proposal - Europe would have liked more - but it creates a new body which is better than the one we have at the moment.

    It's up to them to decide which is better.

    So which is better, the north or the south of Thailand?

    This dog interacts only with other dogs, which is better than interacting with children.

    We have established the benchmark and we have protected it, which is better than a directive merely laying down transparency procedures such as that which exists in the United States.

    The budgetary position in 2008 as estimated in the programme, which is better than the starting position of the previous programme, contributes to offsetting the projected long-term budgetary impact of an ageing population but is not sufficient to fully cover future spending pressures.

    Which is better to treat bruises, powder or ointment?

    I prefer history to science, which is clearly better in many respects.

    I use organic cleaning supplues, which is better than dousing it with anti-bacterials or harsh cleansers that many, many organisms are now becoming drug resistant.

    There is a company called Sharklet Technologies that's now putting this on the surfaces in hospitals to keep bacteria from landing, which is better than dousing it with anti-bacterials or harsh cleansers that many, many organisms are now becoming drug resistant.

    Which is better for our house?

  • Which on is better 的例句

    例句中 Which on is better 的用法

    搜尋結果約有 12,884,993 筆

    Just tell me which one is better!

    Which one is better?

    Charles could try them and tell us which one is better.

    I see. So, I need to figure out which one is better for me.

    He has no exact idea about which one is better to use on your body.

    Which one is better, the red or blue vase?

    Could you tell me which one is better in your opinion?

    Which is better for our house--carpet or wood floors?

    Which one of these products is better at cleaning glass?

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