該用 What day was it yesterday? 還是 What day was yesterday??

What day was it yesterday? 是較常見的用法。

區別 What day was it yesterday? 和 What day was yesterday?:意思和差異

「What day was yesterday」直接詢問今天之前的一天,重點放在時間上。相對而言,「What day was it yesterday」在句中加入了「it」,產生了微妙的語氣差異,似乎是在指回特定的時間點。雖然這兩者都在詢問相同的信息,但第二個用法可能更顯對話性或反思性。總的來說,雖然兩者傳達的含義相似,但選擇使用哪一種表達方式可能取決於說話者的語氣風格或具體情境。

  • What day was it yesterday? 的例句

    例句中 What day was it yesterday? 的用法

    搜尋結果約有 3,046,292 筆

    What day was it yesterday, Jacob? I totally forgot.

    Do you know what day it was yesterday?

    What day was it yesterday? I want to make sure we have enough time to schedule the picnic for this weekend.

    She asked him, "What day was it yesterday?" She was never very good at remembering dates after all

    What day was it yesterday again? I thought it was Thursday, but today is Saturday. I'm confused.

    What day was it yesterday? I think this calendar is for the wrong year...

    What day was it yesterday, Emily? That's right--it was Christmas! You have to wait another year to see Santa again.

  • What day was yesterday? 的例句

    例句中 What day was yesterday? 的用法

    搜尋結果約有 1,977,330 筆

    What day was yesterday? I can't seem to remember.

    Do you know what day was yesterday, Dad? We were on vacation so long.

    He asked his friend what day was yesterday because he had been in a short coma.

    I'm sure we have enough time to make plans for the party, but wait...what day was yesterday? Was it Friday?

    She asked him, "What day was yesterday?" She didn't seem to understand that the weekend had come and gone.

    What day was yesterday again? I'm confused and don't want to write the wrong date in my diary.

    What day was yesterday? 'Twas a day that will live in infamy.

    What day was yesterday, Steve? That's right--it was Easter! We went to church together!

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