saw your miss called vs saw your missed call

saw your missed call 是較常見的用法。


"saw your missed call" 意指說話者注意到對方打電話給他,卻沒有接到。"saw your miss called"是一種口語用法,意思是說話者注意到對方的妻子或女友打電話來。

  • saw your missed call 的例句

    搜尋結果約有 403,922 筆

    Sorry, I saw your missed call.

    I'm sorry I didn't call you back, I saw your missed calls.

    When I got up this morning, I saw some missed calls from her, but... I didn't think anything was wrong.

    I saw you on my missed call list.

    No, I just saw I missed their call.

    Your missed call was on his home screen.

    I just saw about three of your missed calls. I was working on a problem set for my systems class.

    Start screen: The animated live tiles show your missed calls and received messages, the latest

    In the action center, you can quickly see notifications, such as your missed calls and unread

    Dirk saw his missed calls were from Marie.

    Show 14 missed calls from an angelina lupino.

    I have a missed call from Whip.

    Saw a missed call from Kallie's phone.

    Had four missed calls from King Knob.

    He saw your missed call but didn't return your message yet.

  • saw your miss called 的例句

    搜尋結果約有 54,033 筆

    Bob, I saw your miss called earlier. Are you in trouble?

    I was going to remind you that I saw your miss called when you were at lunch.

    Did anyone tell you that your miss called?

    He told the office that he saw his miss had called.

    You saw your miss called but you didn't call her back right away? Oh, boy...

    Did you see your miss called earlier today?

    He saw his miss called him about five times.

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