I want to follow up vs I wanted to follow up

I want to follow up 是較常見的用法。


這兩個表達方式意思和用法相同。 "I wanted to follow up"是"I want to follow up"的過去式,常常用於職場電子郵件和往來交流信息裡。

  • I want to follow up 的例句

    搜尋結果約有 23,944,835 筆

    I want to follow up on the resumes that you sent us last week.

    I just want to follow up and make sure we aren't missing any information in this brochure.

    I want to follow up on our meeting last Friday.

    Please let your boss know that I want to follow up with her.

    We just want to follow up before publishing these flyers.

    I'd like to follow up on some issues we talked about before.

    I want to follow up on the remainding agenda items in this meeting.

    Do you want to follow up on anything in this manual?

    I'm calling because I want to follow up on when you might be reaching out to candidates about the next step in the hiring process.

    No, the person hasn't replied to me, so I want to follow up - ask them if they received my email and hope they will get back to me as soon ...

    I want to follow up on my ticket. How do I do it? ... If you have submitted a ticket using your GCash-registered email address, you should be able to see progress.

    I want to follow up with what Mr. Hobson has said. And I don't want to be confrontational.

  • I wanted to follow up 的例句

    搜尋結果約有 9,033,224 筆

    I just wanted to follow up on those issues we discussed last week. Please get back to me at your earliest convenience.

    I wanted to follow up on a few tasks for you this week.

    I wanted to follow up regarding our decision to keep the horses through January.

    Did you let her know that I wanted to follow up with her team?

    Does he know that we wanted to follow up on this before finalizing?

    I wanted to follow up on the progress for this construction.

    Did he say that you wanted to follow up with me on some points?

    I wanted to follow up with you about the product we mentioned in the presentation. If it fits your needs, I would love for you to try it out.

    I wanted to follow up on that.

    I wanted to follow up on our last conversation.

    I wanted to follow up on the conference we met at last month. I have a question for you about the specification of your project.

    I wanted to follow up on this email from last week and see if we can move forward with the project.

    I realize my last message may have gotten buried in your inbox, so I wanted to follow up.

    I wanted to follow up on my email from [when you sent it] about [what your concern or question is].

    I wanted to follow up with you after our recent live event, to help you understand how you'll be taught when you join the community this September.

    I wanted to follow up on my initial message. Were you able to get to it?

    I wanted to follow up again to see if you had any updates regarding the position.

    I haven't heard back so I wanted to follow up on my previous message.

    I wanted to follow up on the email I sent you a few days back.

    Before moving on, I wanted to follow up with you one last time.

    A succinct request might look like this: I wanted to follow up with you about the steering committee. I really need a chairperson for the thing to work out.

    I wanted to follow up on my interview today.” Again, this is a whole sentence and describes the email adequately.

    I wanted to follow up on our discussion. I am getting back to you.

    I wanted to follow up on yesterday's post about me being part of the new Lighting team and introducing the first professional quality all-in-one Hufflepuff detector.

    I wanted to follow up with one last thing.

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