該用 I finished high school 還是 I graduated high school?

I finished high school 是較常見的用法。

區別 I finished high school 和 I graduated high school:意思和差異

「I finished high school」通常強調的是完成課業和個人學業旅程的結束,重點在於完成的行為。相對地,「I graduated high school」則強調獲得正式認可的重大成就,通常伴隨著儀式或典禮。雖然這兩個短語都表示完成了高中學業,但「graduated」通常帶有獲得文憑的成就感和社會認可。此外,「graduation」也意味著進入人生的下一階段,無論是繼續接受高等教育還是進入職場。總的來說,選擇這些措詞可以巧妙地將焦點從個人成就轉移到社會認可。

  • I finished high school 的例句

    例句中 I finished high school 的用法

    搜尋結果約有 2,240,987 筆

    Your father started teaching after he finished high school; Eventually, I finished high school and was accepted to university.

    I finished high school for the summer.

    When I finished high school, I was unsure which path to take, but I was fortunate to have support and advice from my paw.

    When I** finished high school**, I could easily touch my toes.

    I Finished High School. Now What?

    I finished high school, so now I'm planning to take a few classes in college when I'm not working.

    I finished high school and am looking for a job.

    The world was such a different place when I finished high school over 30 years ago.

    When I finished high school, I was 16, and in Argentina you have to choose a career right after high school.

    I finished high school 2 months ago and being able to read anything I want is the best feeling ever.

    I finished high school in Romania, and it was focused on Maths, English, and Programming.

    I finished high school and became a stripper. 'No, I don't feel bad taking thousands of dollars from men'.

    At the time I finished high school, I was determined to study biology, deeply convinced to eventually be a researcher.

    After I finished high school I went to Hong Kong and Thailand and spent some time there.

    I finished high school at the age of 16, as usual after graduation, I was at home for a while, my elder brother was also at home waiting for me there.

    I finished high school a semester early with 15 college credit hours.

    When I finished high school, it was clear to me that I would study mathematics, even if I also considered economics and psychology.

    I’ve been in healthcare since I finished high school.

    I finished high school last year.

  • I graduated high school 的例句

    例句中 I graduated high school 的用法

    搜尋結果約有 1,230,983 筆

    The day I graduated high school was the day I thought about how I would barely see my dog, Dulce, anymore (I graduated in Nicaragua).

    That is what I wish I had known when I graduated high school.

    I graduated top of class at Harvard. Like him, I graduated high school at 16. I do too, but I think we should wait until I've graduated.

    I graduated high school last week, and this picture of me made it into my local newspaper.

    I graduated high school from a backwards lil' slice of quasi-incestuous Upper Appalachia, in a town I hate.

    I graduated high school hours after the Uvalde shooting.

    And you say, "I graduated high school in 2000 and graduated college in 2004." D'oh! The interviewer closes his or her eyes and sighs.

    I graduated high school in ‘96, so if you are ever in the car with me for over 60 miles, I hope you like Hootie and the Blowfish.

    I'm a medical student at University of New South Wales. I graduated high school with A-levels - triple science and maths.

    I graduated high school in 1996, and my college diploma says 2005. In my case, I had to go back and take an extra course in order to qualify.

    Hi! I'm Jim and I graduated high school last year. I want to become a mechanical engineer at Disney.

    I graduated high school 8 years ago.

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