該用 mark your calendar 還是 mark your schedule?

mark your calendar 是較常見的用法。

區別 mark your calendar 和 mark your schedule:意思和差異

「Mark your calendar」通常是指在實體或數位日曆中標記重要日期或活動,強調這些場合的重要性。相較之下,「mark your schedule」則更側重於在時間表上安排任務、約會或活動,注重整體規劃。雖然這兩個短語都涉及時間管理,但「mark your calendar」側重於單一事件的提醒,而「mark your schedule」則著重於多項安排的整體管理。這兩種說法都強調了記錄和安排時間的重要性,但語境和用途略有不同。

  • mark your calendar 的例句

    例句中 mark your calendar 的用法

    搜尋結果約有 8,790,000 筆

    So get ready - mark your calendar for all of these 2009 PokerNews Cup Alpine Freerolls and Satellites.

    Mark your Calendar for Lil Kleine After a long day of playing games, what better way than to celebrate with a musical performance?

    Mark your calendar now to play in as many satellites as you can, for more chances to win!

    Here are planned dates so you can mark your calendar now.

    Did you mark your calendar yet?

    So mark your calendar for these Sunday Weekly Tournament Dates:

    The starting whistle on this satellite sounds on January 6th at 20:00GMT, a Tuesday - mark your calendar - if you have to work that day, just call in sick!

    And don't forget to mark your calendar for all of these great FreeRolls coming soon - that you can qualify now for!

    The possibilities are endless of what you could do with a slice of a Million Dollar pie, so mark your calendar now for September 13th when the Million Dollar give-away starts!

    Mark your calendar: Cannes 6-7-8 November 2018.

  • mark your schedule 的例句

    例句中 mark your schedule 的用法

    搜尋結果約有 108,000 筆

    Mark the schedule you plan to follow and remember always to change your patch on the same two days of the week you have chosen on your calendar.

    Mark your schedule on your calendar.

    Mark your schedule. Time to develop yourself from ZERO to HERO! CU Gavel Club meetings are coming during the 1st semester/2017. Our regular meeting time...

    Mark Your Schedule , this will be the most anticipated event of the south! ⁦.

    At the pilot observation, mark your schedule carefully — you will fairly quickly find out if it is working or not. Leave the meeting, analyse whether the ...

    Art Lovers mark your schedule for 27th October 2021 . 3 views3 views. Oct 26, 2021. 1. Dislike. Share. Save. Art Gharana. Art Gharana.

    Employees, please mark your schedules to allow for the company picnic next week.

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