該用 kind regards 還是 regards?

kind regards 是較常見的用法。

區別 kind regards 和 regards:意思和差異

在商業或正式的電子郵件結尾中,「Kind regards」和「Regards」都是常用的結語,但它們的語氣略有不同。「Kind regards」通常顯得更為友好和親切,適合用於與客戶或同事之間的溝通,特別是當你希望表達一種良好的關係時。相對而言,「Regards」則較為中性,適合用於較正式或簡單的場合。選擇哪一種結語,取決於你與收件人之間的關係及溝通的語境。總的來說,使用「Kind regards」可以讓你的信息更具親和力,而「Regards」則保持專業。

  • kind regards 的例句

    例句中 kind regards 的用法

    I hope this message finds you well. Kind regards, I look forward to your response. Thank you for your assistance, kind regards to your team. Please let me know if you need any further information, kind regards. I appreciate your help with this matter, kind regards. It was great meeting you at the conference, kind regards. I am writing to confirm our appointment, kind regards. Your feedback is valuable to us, kind regards. I wish you all the best in your endeavors, kind regards. Looking forward to collaborating with you, kind regards. Thank you for your understanding, kind regards.

  • regards 的例句

    例句中 regards 的用法

    I send my best regards to you and your family.

    Please give my regards to your colleagues at work.

    She expressed her regards for the team's hard work.

    In his letter, he included warm regards for everyone involved.

    I hold you in high regards for your dedication and effort.

    The manager conveyed his regards during the meeting.

    We appreciate your support and send our regards.

    He always speaks with great regards for his mentors.

    Please accept my sincere regards for your achievements.

    I will remember you fondly and keep you in my regards.

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