each vs every:どちらが正しい?


each or every? : 意味と違い

「each」と「every」はどちらも「それぞれ」という意味を持ちますが、使い方に違いがあります。「each」は個々の要素に焦点を当てるのに対し、「every」は全体の中のすべての要素を強調します。「each」は通常、少数のグループに使われ、「every」は多数のグループに使われることが多いです。また、「each」は単数形の名詞と一緒に使われ、「every」も単数形ですが、より包括的なニュアンスを持ちます。例えば、「each student」は「各学生」を指し、「every student」は「すべての学生」を指します。

  • eachの例文


    Each student must submit their assignment by Friday.

    We should appreciate each moment we have together.

    Each team member contributed to the project’s success.

    She gave each child a gift at the party.

    Each book on the shelf has its own story to tell.

    He trains each day to improve his skills.

    Each recipe requires different ingredients for the best results.

    They visited each landmark during their trip to the city.

    Each decision we make shapes our future.

    The teacher praised each student for their hard work.

  • everyの例文


    Every student should submit their assignments on time.

    I visit my grandparents every weekend.

    Every morning, I go for a jog in the park.

    She reads a new book every month.

    Every time I see him, he has a smile on his face.

    We should appreciate every moment we have together.

    Every child deserves a good education.

    He tries to learn something new every day.

    Every decision we make shapes our future.

    I enjoy cooking every dish with love and care.

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