effective immediately 是人们最常用的表达方式。
“Effective immediately”是指一项变革或决定立即生效,没有任何延迟,表明执行的紧迫性。相比之下,“effective from now”也表达了一种立即的变化,但可能暗示着一种细微的心理区别,因为它表明当下是变化的起点。这两个短语都表示没有过渡期,但“effective immediately”的紧迫感更强。最终,在实际语境中,这两个词经常交替使用,只是在解释上略有细微差别。
Your inspector general just postponed the investigation effective immediately.
This puts my retirement effective immediately.
Holly will begin her trial period effective immediately.
You're relieved of duty, effective immediately.
I resign as chairman, effective immediately.
Liaison duties are discontinued, effective immediately.
You're hereby placed on administrative leave, effective immediately.
I'd like to tender my resignation, effective immediately.
I will announce Jordan's departure from my staff effective immediately.
We're cutting our losses, the program's being terminated effective immediately.
So for sites classified strategic 2 or higher, we are reactivating analog alert systems effective immediately.
Effective immediately, we will no longer have lunch outdoors.
Termination without pension, effective 10 days from now.
The universal vocation of the WTO will therefore be reinforced and the discussions on the ways of making its operation more effective will from now on be an absolutely essential exercise.
The law there is pretty effective from now on I think.
Dear Gillian, only an amateur, of course, but very effective now and then.
Lastly, the Commission turns to economic governance, now possible thanks to the work of the Eurogroup, which has been even more effective now that it can count on a permanent president.
I think there are more effective meds now.
The effective age from now: 85.
I believe the words she used were "effective from now."