该用 I couldn’t care less 还是 I could care less?

I couldn’t care less 是人们最常用的表达方式。

区分 I couldn’t care less 和 I could care less?:意思和差异

"I couldn’t care less" 和 "I could care less" 在意思上有显著区别。前者表示对某事完全不在乎,强调无所谓的态度;而后者则常被误用,实际上应该表示仍然有一些在乎的程度。虽然后者在口语中常见,但它的逻辑与原意相悖。总的来说,前者是正确的表达方式,后者则是常见的误用。

  • I couldn’t care less的例句

    例句中 I couldn’t care less 的用法

    I asked him if he was worried about the outcome, but he said he couldn’t care less.

    She always acts like she’s the center of the universe, but honestly, I couldn’t care less.

    When it comes to gossip, I couldn’t care less about what people say.

    He was upset about the game, but I couldn’t care less about sports.

    My friend is stressed about the party, but I couldn’t care less if it happens or not.

    She keeps talking about her problems, but I couldn’t care less about her drama.

    They were arguing over the movie, but I couldn’t care less about their opinions.

    He thinks his promotion is a big deal, but I couldn’t care less about his job.

    I don’t understand why she’s so upset; I couldn’t care less about the situation.

    At the end of the day, I couldn’t care less about what others think of me.

  • I could care less的例句

    例句中 I could care less 的用法

    I don't understand why people say I could care less about the latest celebrity gossip.

    When it comes to politics, honestly, I could care less about the debates.

    My friend is always worried about trends, but I could care less what others think.

    She asked if I liked the new restaurant, and I said I could care less about trying it.

    He keeps talking about his new car, but frankly, I could care less about vehicles.

    Whenever they complain about the weather, I just think I could care less about the rain.

    They were discussing the latest fashion, but I told them I could care less about clothes.

    My neighbor is upset about the noise, but honestly, I could care less about it.

    She was worried about the movie reviews, but I told her I could care less about critics.

    In the end, when it comes to their opinions, I could care less what they say.

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