該用 Thanks for the heads up 還是 Thanks for a heads up?

Thanks for the heads up 是較常見的用法。

區別 Thanks for the heads up 和 Thanks for a heads up:意思和差異

「Thanks for the head up」和「Thanks for a head up」都是用來感謝提前通知的說法。「the head up」指的是某個特定的通知或提醒,而「a head up」則更通用,表示對收到通知行為的感謝。前者的語氣可能更具體,像是指明某個具體的建議;而後者則顯得較為廣泛和隨意。這兩種表達方式都能有效地表達感謝,但細微的差別會影響到訊息的感覺和效果。

  • Thanks for the heads up 的例句

    例句中 Thanks for the heads up 的用法

    搜尋結果約有 3,044,979 筆

    Thanks for the heads-up, Earl.

    Okay, thanks for the heads-up about the meeting.

    Thanks for the heads-up last night, Janet. It gave me some time to plan my night.

    Thanks for the heads up, Artie. See you at the softball game on Friday!

    Sorry I missed your call, Mr. Coleman, but thanks for the heads-up.

    Although it could be too late to change plans, thanks for the heads up.

    Thanks for the heads up. I haven't had time to fix myself up.

    Thanks for the heads up on the credit card usage--I didn't know I had spent so much!

    Thanks for the heads-up, by the way.

    Thanks for the heads-up on the eyewitness who saw the redhead.

    "Thanks for the heads up," said the man, after his friend told him that he had jury duty the following week.

  • Thanks for a heads up 的例句

    例句中 Thanks for a heads up 的用法

    搜尋結果約有 320,883 筆

    Thanks for giving me a heads up on this project.

    Okay,** thanks for a heads** up regarding the house inspection.

    Thanks for giving me a heads up last night, Janet.

    Can I give you a heads up on what she is going to ask you?

    Sorry, Steve, you didn't give me a heads up on this matter earlier.

    Thank you for giving my mom a heads up about the family gathering in advance. I appreciate it.

    I gave you a heads up but you didn't listen and jumped in the frozen lake anyway.

    Thanks for a heads-up on any future plans we might make.

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