keep up the good work vs keep up the good works

keep up the good work 是較常見的用法。


"keep up the good work"是一個慣用語,意思是 "keep doing a good job" 。 "keep up the good works "也有類似的意思,指某人採取積極的行動來幫助另一個人或團體。

  • keep up the good work 的例句

    搜尋結果約有 3,966,882 筆

    He patted me on the back and said, “Keep up the good work!”

    Whenever one of my employees does a really good job on a project, I tell them to keep up the good work.

    My boss told me to keep up the good work.

    The poster is looking great so far; keep up the good work!

    My teacher gave my essay back and said, “Keep up the good work.”

    It’s always reassuring when someone tells you to keep up the good work.

    To boost employee motivation, the manager told everyone that if they keep up the good work, they will get bonuses.

    I will try my hardest to keep up the good work.

    We've been getting really good feedback lately, so let's try to keep up the good work.

    Although times are tough right now, my manager really wants me to keep up the good work.

  • keep up the good works 的例句

    搜尋結果約有 289,774 筆

    We see that you have been volunteering much of your time to helping children in Africa. Please keep up your good works!

    We keep up the good works of charity with your generous donations.

    Can you please keep doing good works this year? It makes me respect this company more.

    He kept up the good works throughout his stint at the university in the impoverished town.

    Keeping up the good works means not stopping your efforts to help people, even when you are tired and burnt out.

    Keep up the good works and you can start a non-profit organization.

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