keep up the good work vs keep up the good works

keep up the good work 是人们最常用的表达方式。


“keep up the good work”常用于鼓励某人继续在某项工作或某个领域做出积极努力或表现。相比之下,“keep up the good works”的使用频率较低,它意味着某人所做的更广泛的善举或行为。虽然这两个短语都表达了支持和激励,但“work”一般指的是在某一特定背景下的持续努力,而“works”则暗示着多种成就或贡献。总的来说,在日常用语中,“keep up the good work”是更标准的表达方式。

  • keep up the good work的例句


    He patted me on the back and said, “Keep up the good work!”

    Whenever one of my employees does a really good job on a project, I tell them to keep up the good work.

    My boss told me to keep up the good work.

    The poster is looking great so far; keep up the good work!

    My teacher gave my essay back and said, “Keep up the good work.”

    It’s always reassuring when someone tells you to keep up the good work.

    To boost employee motivation, the manager told everyone that if they keep up the good work, they will get bonuses.

    I will try my hardest to keep up the good work.

    We've been getting really good feedback lately, so let's try to keep up the good work.

    Although times are tough right now, my manager really wants me to keep up the good work.

  • keep up the good works的例句


    We see that you have been volunteering much of your time to helping children in Africa. Please keep up your good works!

    We keep up the good works of charity with your generous donations.

    Can you please keep doing good works this year? It makes me respect this company more.

    He kept up the good works throughout his stint at the university in the impoverished town.

    Keeping up the good works means not stopping your efforts to help people, even when you are tired and burnt out.

    Keep up the good works and you can start a non-profit organization.

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