該用 in the car 還是 on the car?

in the car 是較常見的用法。

區別 in the car 和 on the car:意思和差異

「In the car」指的是在車輛內部,暗示乘客或駕駛員在車裡。而「on the car」則指的是在車輛外部的某個位置,例如車頂。比如說,一個人可以在公路旅行時「in the car」放鬆,而另一個人可以坐在「on the car」欣賞風景或拍照。介詞「in」和「on」改變了位置的視角,突出空間關係和功能的不同。理解這些差異有助於在各種情境下進行清晰的溝通。

  • in the car 的例句

    例句中 in the car 的用法

    搜尋結果約有 12,000,388 筆

    I saw you plan that in the car.

    Oh--I left my juice box in the car, Mom.

    We're in the car, babe. Let me know if you need to find the car and I will honkl.

    I left my bag in the car. Could you please get it for me?

    I was attacked by bees in the car. It was terrifying.

    Come on, Jenny, get in the car, please.

    Just like we planned in the car on the way here.

    Once you get in the car, there are various ways of making the car go where you want.

    I want to go play my Nintendo Switch in the car. Could you unlock it please?

    There are no books in the car.

    You ate his yogurt in the car.

    Get in the car before I bite your head off.

    There was that episode in the car you mentioned earlier.

    We were in the car when the police officer pulled us over for speeding.

  • on the car 的例句

    例句中 on the car 的用法

    搜尋結果約有 307,297 筆

    There doesn't seem to be any license plate on the car.

    Are there any police sirens on the car behind us?

    Where is your drink cup? Did you leave it on the roof of the car?

    I believe that there are spare parts still sitting on the car.

    A traincar is often referred to as a "car." You can put many things on the car of a train.

    On this car, you will find dining service and some vending machines for your convenience.

    Is their still snow on the car or did you scrape it off?

    There is too much rain on the car windshield for me to see outside.

    On the car or off the car, it's still dirt!

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