on Facebook 是較常見的用法。
「In Facebook」這個說法通常暗示著在平台內部進行某些活動或體驗,例如直接使用其功能。然而,「on Facebook」則表示在該平台上進行某些操作或存在,例如發佈內容或互動。雖然這兩者都涉及社交媒體網站的使用,但「on Facebook」在日常語言中更常用於描述與平台的互動,而「in Facebook」則可能指涉更深入的體驗。總而言之,選擇使用哪一個用法通常取決於具體的討論背景。
搜尋結果約有 4,880,000,000 筆
Otherwise, he's on Facebook and instagram.
I was up all night checking the status of ex-boyfriends on Facebook.
I showed you his picture on Facebook.
The colour of the Special Edition was determined by Sport-Tiedje fans on Facebook.
Locale. Shows your language settings on Facebook. Basic criteria for advertising.
Follow us on Facebook and YouTube.
For more info and photos Bailey secutores on Facebook.
On behalf of Yoshimaro Sakita, I have several reproductions on Facebook.
Also wonderful pictures I've seen on Facebook.
You can share your results with your friends on Facebook;
Adeleart created by Studio Montanaro on Facebook.
A friend on Facebook put it in a nutshell.
搜尋結果約有 87,900,000 筆
Miss blair, I defriended Mr. Chuck Miss blair, I defrind Mr. Chuck in Facebook and in life.
Permission of KIPI Plugin application to upload photos directly. If not, user will need to manually approve uploaded photos in Facebook.
In Facebook, you're supposed to be who you are and there's, sort of, one model, which is that you're friends with people.
Thus even photographs of a highly personal nature appear in Facebook without them being able to consent - or withhold their consent - to their publication.
They're sitting in their transparent cubicle In their open space, in Facebook.
Well, I heard they lost a fortune in Facebook stock.
With a feature on Facebook's mobile application, Facebook allows users to synchronise their smartphone contacts with their contacts on the social networking site in Facebook Phonebook and in life.