Are you coming with? vs Are you coming with us?

Are you coming with us? 是較常見的用法。


「Are you coming with?」是一種非正式的說法,用來邀請某人加入,但沒有指明具體的目的地。相比之下,「Are you coming with us?」則更清楚明確,直接表達出邀請對方加入特定的群體。雖然這兩個短語都是邀請對方參與,但後者更具體地說明了參與者和他們的去處。因此,「us」的加入使邀請更具社交性和明確性。總而言之,兩者的差異在於清晰度和正式程度。

  • Are you coming with us? 的例句

    搜尋結果約有 3,002,777 筆

    We’re going to the new Italian restaurant—are you coming with us?

    Are you coming with us to the park?

    Hey Bob, are you coming with us?

    He asked me, “Are you coming with us?”

    After I asked “Are you coming with us?” Jen nodded and got her bag.

    I wanted to ask “Are you coming with us?” but I was too nervous.

    We’re planning to go to Hawaii in May—are you coming with us?

    Are you coming with us to see the new Marvel movie tonight?

    Are you coming with us to the French restaurant or are you going with them to the Mexican restaurant?

    Are you coming with us?” I asked my dog as my friends and I were getting ready to leave my apartment.

    The team captain sent an email asking “Are you coming with us to the tournament this weekend?”

  • Are you coming with? 的例句

    搜尋結果約有 2,000,399 筆

    I am going to the restaurant tonight around 8:00. Are you coming with?

    Are you coming with or are you staying here?

    We will have drinks after work. Bill asked me whether you are coming with.

    There is a big festival a few of us are attending this weekend in the city. Are you coming with?

    Are you coming with the rest of us, or are you staying at home?

    One thing I forgot to ask you on Friday, are you coming with the team or taking your own car to the tournament?

    Is he coming with or staying here?

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