on my phone vs in my phone

인터넷 검색 결과:
사람들이 가장 자주 사용하는 표현은 on my phone 입니다

두 문구의 차이점은 무엇인가요?

"on my phone"은 일반적으로 휴대폰 화면에 표시되는 것을 의미하지만 휴대폰에 저장된 데이터나 콘텐츠를 이야기할 때 사용되기도 합니다. "in my phone"은 일반적으로 휴대폰에 저장된 데이터나 콘텐츠를 의미합니다.

  • on my phone의 예문

    검색 결과 약 13,904,777 개

    Texts on my phone are deleted after three weeks.

    You looked up the list on my phone and saw some mistakes.

    I probably have an e-mail open on my phone.

    I noticed this morning that the call register on my phone is broken.

    I probably have an e-mail on my phone.

    Okay, imagine the app is on my phone.

    I still got nothin' on my phone. It's probably broken again.

    There's a message on my phone from my mom.

    I about died when your name came up on my phone.

    You're sitting on my phone, I think.

    I have William's texts on my phone.

    There is everything I need for wor and personal life sitting on my phone right now.

    How did I now? I looked it up on my phone just now.

  • in my phone의 예문

    검색 결과 약 6,800,300 개

    I will find the number for you. I think it's in my phone.

    "Mr. President, we have all the data of the suspect in his phone."

    Do I need to put a microchip in my phone or is it already in there?

    In my phone, there is technology that wasn't accessible even just a handful of years ago.

    Is there a record of my geolocation stored in my phone? I'm a bit worried about big data collection.

    The operator said I need to look in my phone to find the serial number.

    There is a backup of the SD card in my phone I believe.

    Is the new chip in my phone compatible with 5G?

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