I hope so 대 Sure, I hope so: 어느 것이 옳은 표현인가요?

인터넷 검색 결과:
사람들이 가장 자주 사용하는 표현은 I hope so 입니다

I hope so 또는 Sure, I hope so: 뜻과 주요 차이점

"I hope so"와 "Sure, I hope so"는 비슷한 의미를 가지고 있지만, 뉘앙스에서 차이가 있습니다. "I hope so"는 단순히 상대방의 기대나 희망에 긍정적인 마음을 표현하는 문장입니다. 반면 "Sure, I hope so"는 더 강한 확신이나 동의를 나타내며, 상대방의 말에 대한 지지를 추가적으로 강조하고 있습니다. 따라서 대화의 맥락에 따라 두 문장을 적절히 선택하여 사용하시면, 더욱 풍부한 의사소통이 가능하실 것입니다.

  • I hope so의 예문

    문장에서 I hope so 활용법

    검색 결과 약 13,400,000 개

    “Can you come to my birthday party tonight?” “I hope so.”

    “Apparently it’s going to be sunny and warm this weekend.” “I hope so! I would love to go for a hike.”

    “Is the new action movie coming out this weekend?” “I hope so! It feels like I’ve been waiting for so long for it to come out.”

    You’re going to go to the dance, I hope, so you can give that guy a piece of your mind.

    He said to me, “Whenever people come to me asking for help, I never fail to solve whatever problem was bothering them.” I replied, “I hope so.”

    “I hope we can find a good parking spot.” “Yeah, I hope so too.”

    “Was your expensive new jacket worth the price?” “I hope so.”

    “Are you getting promoted soon?” “I’m not sure, but I hope so.”

    “Do you think you’ll get the job at the big firm?” “I hope so; I think I did well in the interview.”

    “Will you be able to get the time off work?” “I hope so, but I’ll have to ask my boss.”

    “Is the concert still happening?” “I hope so! I already bought the outfit I’m going to wear for it.”

    “Do you think your wedding dress will still fit by the time you actually get married?” “I hope so!”

  • Sure, I hope so의 예문

    문장에서 Sure, I hope so 활용법

    검색 결과 약 1,010,000 개

    “Do you think the pandemic will be over by the end of the year?” “I’m not sure, but I hope so.”

    People say that everything happens for a reason; I’m not so sure, though I hope so.

    “Do you think that there’s an afterlife?” “Sure, I hope so.”

    “Do you think our team will win the game?” “Sure, I hope so.”

    “Do the waterproof shoes last for a long time?” “I’m not sure, I hope so because I bought two pairs.”

    “Will you be at the party tonight?” “I’m not** sure, I hope so**. It just depends on whether I have to stay late at work.”

    When asked whether the hit TV show would have another season, the creator said, “Sure, I hope so.”

    I asked him if he thought his knee was recovered enough for him to play sports again, and he said, “Sure, I hope so.”

    “Are you able to come to my son’s birthday party next weekend?” “Not sure--I hope so!”

    “Work isn’t busy today—do you think we’ll be able to leave early?” “Sure, I hope so. I have nothing to do right now.”

    For sure I hope so. He has a great view of the course, so I hope he is enjoying it for sure.

    I am sure I hope so myself. There is a great and peculiar charm about reading news-scraps in a language which you are not acquainted with--the charm that he has.

    I'm sure I hope so,” said Peterkin earnestly. “But what has become of the wreck, Jack? I saw you clambering up the rocks there while I was resting.”

    The instructions isn't permanent, once you have gone through them once they should go. As to the beans, not sure, I hope so!

    I am not really sure. I hope so. Well, if you are not following the Pope- I would recommend it for the daily practice!

    Sure, I hope so and I wish him that. But he should really focus on making some original content too. Do I recommend it? Watch something else instead.

    It sounds like it is, but I can't really be sure. I hope so. It would be too ironic if my last words wound up as just a bunch of static on the screen.

    I'm not sure I hope. So I can order more beads and show you more of my work people. I hope I can go on as long as possible.

    “Do you think you’ll be able to make it along with us all on the vacation old buddy?” I asked. “Sure, I hope so. As long as my leg doesn’t get bad again, I should just about manage.

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